Julia Vee, Author
Magic, Monsters, and Mayhem

Julia likes stories about monsters, money, and good food. Julia was born in Macao and grew up in Northern California. She is a graduate of the Viable Paradise workshop.
Her literary agent is Laurie McLean at Fuse Literary (laurie at fuseliterary.com). For publicity inquiries, please contact Ashley Spruill at Tor (ashley.spruill at Tor.com).

Booksellers, the Lifeblood of Publishing at CALIBA 2023 Spring Forum
Yesterday I thought I thought I would be all fired up because of seeing EBONY GATE in print, and I...
SFWC is a wrap!
This was my second year speaking at panels for San Francisco Writer's Conference. I love the venue...
2022 – Julia’s Year in Review
Reading: In 2022, I read a lot. That’s not a surprise. I have been doing that year after year...
The Art of Ebony Gate
I wrote a mega post about DragonCon and decided I should break it up into chunks. The big thing...
Meet Your Fighter – Akhil the Lightbringer
As Roxy struggles through her Trials to join the Seattle Slayers, she is guided by some of their...
Chinese Fairy Tales – Powerful and Sweet
When I was a kid, there were only two children’s books that I owned which had stories featuring...
Seattle Slayers – Meet Your Fighter Kotori
Meet Your Fighter, Kotori. They call her the Fox. She's an illusionist and she hates rookies....
Seattle Slayers – Meet Your Fighter Dario the Direwolf
Meet Your Fighter - Dario the Direwolf In the perpetual Twilight of Seattle, shifters honor...
Seattle Slayers: Meet Your Fighter Harald of the Reach
Meet Your Fighter Harald of the Reach. He is the Son of Sten, Prince of the Mountain Fae, Guardian...
Seattle Slayers: Meet Your Fighter Cordelia of the Hinterlands
Meet Your Fighter, fae princess Cordelia of the Hinterlands. She is one of the first people Roxy...
Adamant Spirits – A UF Charity Anthology for Ukraine
I'm pleased to participate in this amazing anthology featuring all these UF superstars: Maggie...
TOR Acquires Ebony Gate
So in the hellscape that was 2020, we wrote Ebony Gate. Ken and I are delighted that Tor bought...