Meet Your Fighter – Dario the Direwolf

In the perpetual Twilight of Seattle, shifters honor survival of the fittest and Market Freedom. Dario has a major transformation there and becomes the Direwolf Roxy meets during the trials to become a Slayers initiate. For a charity anthology, we wrote a character study and showed his transformation. In Twilight Bargain (coming soon in the Of Wizards and Wolves Anthology), Dario started out small:

“I’d hidden in this house before, and I knew the front door was jammed shut, the wood swollen grotesquely from the humidity, and the windows were boarded up. The house was a death trap.

Unless you were small.

Which I was. I was the smallest werewolf in the Americas. It was my bane and my problem. But today it would save my furry butt.”

After his transformation, he notes

“I lifted a paw. It was the size of the rum jug. I arched my back, howling to the moon. The sound rolled out from deep in my wide chest. My monstrous jaws flexed, and I felt strong enough to bite through stone.”

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