The day after Halloween is always a little rough. I had a third cup of coffee this morning to cope.

When I was out with my kids last night, I saw more adults than kids. It got me to thinking about how much we all love about Halloween. In addition to the freedom to be someone or something different, there is just the plain fact that many of us love a good scare. My own kids love for me chase them around and then they will shriek like little banshees. I’m not sure how the neighbors feel about that.

For me, an ultimate Halloween movie that is not actually a Halloween movie is Aliens. The movie is basically monsters in space, or more aptly, monsters in the future. The creepy art of H.R. Giger really memorializes the look and feel of Aliens. If you’re up for a little treat, here is the script for Aliens by James Cameron.

Also a treat, the latest entry of the Joe Ledger series dropped this week.

This series is about the ultimate modern monster – a “zombie” created by terrorist labs. The protagonist, Joe Ledger, is the classic hard-boiled detective turned military asset. Really a great series to dive into. The box set of the first three is a good way to get into the series.

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