So in the hellscape that was 2020, we wrote Ebony Gate. Ken and I are delighted that Tor bought the trilogy. Our girl Emiko will be coming to your bookstore in July of 2023!’s announcement here.

TOR acquires Ebony Gate in a 3 book deal.
Finding an editor who championed our work was a dream come true. To read more about our Path to Publication, the in depth write-up is here on our Patreon. It is free to read, you don’t need to be a Patron to view it.
We are knee-deep in revisions now and it’s been an interesting process to revisit this manuscript after some time away.
We received our pre-empt offer in Feb. of 2021. To give some context, we finished drafting Blood Jade (book 2) in April of 2021. The draft for Blood Jade was 133k words, and we have written a bunch of other things in the meantime, which meant we were like 200k words past Ebony Gate and had to rewind our brains. Revision has been mostly about deepening the immersion for the reader and really getting into the emotional interior life of our protagonist, Emiko Soong.
Last week we chatted with our editor about cover concepts, which was very exciting. Our cast of characters includes a foo lion and if there were some way to work that into the cover art, that would be amazing!

Foo Lion (not a dog!)