The days are getting longer. I love being able to walk the dog after dinner and still have it be light out.
My eyes get tired after so much computer time at work, but I’ve been giving myself a break with using blue light blocking glasses at work and by enjoying audiobooks. The glasses are not super attractive, but they definitely help with the fatigue and eyestrain.
For those of you with an Audible subscription, you cannot pass up Brandon Sanderson’s new Audible exclusive Skyward–15 hours of post apoc excellence for your credit!

Skyward – an epic new series about a girl who dreams of becoming a pilot in a dangerous world at war for humanity’s future.
For those who love their sci-fi crossed with horror, then I’m super excited to announce that William Gibson’s Alien III
is also now an Audible exclusive!!! Some of you on my mailing list will remember that I raved about the never made version of William Gibson’s Alien 3 script. This audible exclusive is a full cast audio, so a very different listening experience.

Also, for comic lovers, I was surprised to learn that Dark Horse actually did an illustrated run on this script!
I just got back from a lovely visit to London and Edinburgh. I also love non-fiction, so this latest look at D-Day made it onto my playlist as well. If you watched the film Dunkirk, you’ll no doubt be familiar with many of these events covered in this new entry. Enjoy!

The code name for this invasion was Overlord, but everything that came before, including the landings themselves and the supply system that made it possible for the invaders to stay there, was code-named Neptune. Craig L. Symonds now offers the complete story of this Olympian effort, involving transports, escorts, gunfire support ships, and landing craft of every possible size and function.
When I’m able to sit down to crack open a book or pick up my Kindle, I’ve been re-working my way through this series. I can’t believe it’s up to 11 books! The latest entry dropped a few weeks ago and I’ve been saving it. This series has everthing. Kickass heroine. Werewolves. Mystics. Interfering old gods.

I’m so grateful for your quick takes on books that you have read. The D-Day book is in my wheelhouse. Thank you for sharing!