I’m a big fan of citrus. Living in California, it is one of the few things that I can successfully grow with minimal effort. I have a satsuma mandarin tree, a bearss lime, a meyer lemon, a ponderosa lemon, and a kumquat tree in my front yard. I got so excited reading about the “finger lime” from Australia as being described as the “caviar” of citrus that I also waited 7 months for one of those plants to arrive. It’s finally started to grow new leaves and now I’m less nervous that it wouldn’t take after its long journey here! (In case you were wondering, the magic that is finger lime is described in this article here.)
So one of the citrus plants I don’t have but want is the yuzu. (I have a calamansi lime on order so that will be my next fancy addition to the citrus bounty!)
I first encountered yuzu at a Japanese restaurant in a salad dressing. It was so tart, so fragrant…so fresh. I couldn’t get enough. I started looking for it everywhere. I even bought yuzu furikake to sprinkle on the rice bowls I made for the kids. I even buy Method cleansers in the yuzu scented dish soap!.
Imagine my delight when I stumbled across Yuzu Sake KitKats from Japan. (Purchased here.)

Yuzu Sake Kit Kat!
First, I have to mention that as much as I enjoy plain KitKat (that lovely crisp wafer!) I just like Japanese KitKats better. I wasn’t sure why until I saw on the ingredients list for the Yuzu Sake KitKats that they are lower in sugar. Strangely, this is a common theme for me and many of my friends who find that many Asian desserts suit our palate better and it’s because they are “less sweet”. That is probably why I love the matcha KitKats I buy at the local Nijiya Market. Two great things – KitKat and green tea!
I got some for my co-author Ken together with a deck of Mythulu cards. The Mythulu cards are a really cool accessory for creatives and can help you brainstorm various characters/creatures/story direction whether you are a writer, artist or dungeon master. Using the Mythulu deck is not like using a tarot deck or using the Conflict Games! Magic Description cards. Instead, it’s more like a guided brainstorming. Very helpful.
Anyway, back the Yuzu KitKats. They were delicious. Light, fragrant, and not too sweet. A citrus tang but not tart. The wafer was crisp. I loved it. It looks a bit like the KitKat birthday cake edition but tastes entirely different.