Adamant Spirits
I’m pleased to participate in this amazing anthology featuring all these UF superstars:
Maggie Alabaster, G. Bailey, Elle Beaumont, Katherine Bennet, Alexi Blake, Ella Blake, Claudia Blood, Jessica M. Butler, Demelza Carlton, Kel Carpenter, Alora Carter, Anna Carven, Debbie Cassidy, Eva Chase, Leslie Chase, Sarah M. Cradit, G.K. DeRosa, T.K. Eldridge, Tameri Etherton, Sara Fields, Grace Goodwin, Jen L. Grey, Miranda Honfleur, Hattie Jacks, Aurelia Jane, Alana Khan, Lea Kirk, Lisa Kumar, K.N. Lee, Jen Lynning, Ashley McLeo, Michele Mills, Chloe Parker, Vee R. Paxton, Honey Phillips, Candace Robinson, Rebecca Rode, May Sage, Veronica Scott, Tana Stone, Julia Vee, Maria Vermisoglou, Jade Waltz, Jenni Ward, Jessica Wayne, Calla Zae
Get swept away by more than 1,000 pages of romantic urban fantasy, sci-fi romance, and paranormal romance from bestselling authors – all to help Ukrainian refugees affected by the recent tragedy. Get your copy here!
Most importantly, all proceeds (100%) will be donated to the International Rescue Committee (or a similar charity should IRC become unavailable), which in turn will be directed to supporting humanitarian efforts on behalf of the Ukrainian people.